Rusty Pacemaker, together with Solanum Records, will release today - 22nd of May 2015 - a new album called "ruins".

'ruins' is a ten-track CD and all songs are written and composed by the author - Rusty Pacemaker.
The album starts in a misterious note with the track "ruins", that also gives the name of the album. Pretty fast, that misterious mood from the intro transforms into a heavy and powerful mood.
Considering the album's style I think the sound is well chosen. The mixing/mastering is also consistent throughout the album, which is a big plus sound-wise.
In "ocean of life" Lady K appears with a warm voice, a role which will also occur on "night angel".
I could feel some influences in sound that resembles Tiamat and Lake of Tears while listening to "the game" . The voice is very close to their style of playing but it also has an original twist that makes it interesting.
Rusty chose to dedicate an acoustic song "forever" to his partner in life, his wife. This track is a bit different from the rest, but it's also alot shorter. I think it's pretty nice of him to do that, as family is important for support in his musical career. It is also the most optimistic track, even if he is in the world of spirits (figurativelly speaking ofc).
In the end of the album, the artist is fighting against a system which is guverned by "matter over mind", and towards the last track he is somehow isolated from the bad world that surrounds him, hoping for "pillow of silence".
An interesting fact about the album: the drums were recorded in a single day in the Udio Media Studio (Vienna) with Norbert Leitner as a sound engineer and drummer Franz Lochinger. All other instruments were recorded in Rusty's own "White Studio".
As a conclusion:
If you listen to the lyrics, you will get to know the author, as he opens his heart, expressing his emotions and personal revelations. The album takes the listener into a dark, powerful and misterious world. By altering slow and fast tempos the tracks are interesting, keeping you curious in what's about to come.
You can listen to a trailer from the album here:
Read more about the artist here: