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Psychosounds Metal Ladies Night IX in club Quantic

9 martie 2024
Psychosounds Metal Ladies Night IX in club Quantic
Psychosounds Metal Ladies Night IX are loc sâmbătă, 9 martie 2024 în Club Quantic din București. Trupele confirmate sunt: Cemetery Of Scream, Passengers In Panic, Linear Disorder, Olympus Mons, Stonelight și Symphress.

Program Psychosounds Metal Ladies Night IX

18.30 - open doors
19.00 - 19.40 - SYMPHRESS
20.00 - 20.40 - STONELIGHT
21.00 - 21.40 - LINEAR DISORDER
22.00 - 22.45 - PASSENGERS IN PANIC
23.00 - 00.00 - CEMETERY OF SCREAM
00.20 - 01.00 - OLYMPUS MONS

CEMETERY OF SCREAM - gothic-doom metal, Poland
PASSENGERS IN PANIC - progressive folk metal, Greece
LINEAR DISORDER - black death metal, Romania
OLYMPUS MONS - gothic doom metal, Romania
STONELIGHT - heavy metal, Romania
SYMPHRESS - symphonic metal, Romania

Biletele vor fi disponibile prin la urmatoarele preturi:
- 75 RON presale pana pe 08.03.2024 ;
- 100 RON online via iaBilet sau cash la intrare.
Preturile nu includ taxele de ticketing online.

2. Psychosounds Metal Ladies Night IX in club Quantic
Cover & poster de Radu Otarasanu.
Un eveniment "Rusidava Management & Psychosounds Music SRL".

Evenimente recomandate
