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Noua compilatie online Loud Rage Music

25 iulie 2020
Noua compilatie online Loud Rage Music
Cea de-a cincea compilatie anuala care prezinta materialele curente si viitoare propuse de Loud Rage Music si Pest Records este online aici:


1. Resita Rocks - Nascut din furtuna (feat. Dana Borteanu) (Hard Heavy Thrash compilation project / Romania)

2. Command the Machyne - Burn ’em (Traditional Heavy Power Metal / Germany)

3. Kultika - Building Nothingness Inside Of Fate (Post Metal / Romania)

4. Phobos Monolith - Oktober (Lunar Ellipse) (Melodic Doom Death Metal / USA/Mexico)

5. Katharos XIII - Vidma (Dark Post Jazz Doom Black Metal / Romania)

6. Vathos - Ruins of Corrosion (Post Black Metal / Romania)

7. Stromptha - Que Les Corbeaux Forgent La Tempete (Atmospheric Doom Black Metal / Greenland)

8. Tableau Mort - Ignorance (Tapestry Sewn Pt. 2) (Black Metal / United Kingdom)

9. Paragon Zero - Remnants (Doom Black Death Metal / Hungary)

10. Akral Necrosis - Man in the Cauldron (Black Metal / Romania)

11. Disinter - Demolition of the Mind (Death Metal / USA)

12. Spiritual Ravishment - Fed to the Ground (Grindcore / Romania)

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