Spore Lord lanseaza albumul de debut - In the Beginning

September 1st, 2016
SPORE LORD arrive with their debut album In the Beginning - containing eight tracks of psychedelic-tinged doom metal, the album features mammoth riffs and grooves straight out of the 70s.

The band commented about the album "We are really stoked for everyone to hear this album. It has a little bit of everything on it-All of it heavy and loud.

In the Beginning will be released on December 2 2016.

About Spore Lord:

The Spore Lord is the bastard child of a black sabbathian supernatural beast. It was born and raised in acid washed riffs and fuzz induced fires. Its power lies in the way it weaves listeners into a tapestry of fungus fueled dreams. You can easily get lost in the grooves of its records. The sounds are slick and tightly composed shifting over growing and glowing landscapes with every breath. It leaves a sludge bathed trail that reeks of sultry bong water. In person its performances create threads of inter-dimensional vibrations that clothe and feed homeless eared vagrants, deafening them into submission with bone crushing towers of amplifiers. It nurtures these doom inspired thieves. Then lulls them into a false sense of security with enigmatic harmonies right before it churns them into heavy grinding machinery, cranks them out like ground beef and buries them in a medieval bog to grow more mouth watering spores.

It's from the mystical spores of the bog that the debut full length album was crafted under the infamous supervision of producer/engineer Matt Washburn of Ledbelly Sound Studios (Mastodon, Artemis Pyledriver). The LP is set to crush air waves and warm your bones this December of 2016.

Spore Lord is:

Cam Barnes - Drums

Dan Giampietro - Bass

Matt Irvin - Guitar