INVIDIOSUS lanseaza noul lor single Neurotic Misery

February 24th, 2016
Minnesota's INVIDIOSUS are pleased to release their brand new single Neurotic Misery. The song is a five minute track in the vein of classic death metal bands such as Obituary, Deicide and Entombed. The track was mixed and mastered by Joel Grind.

The band said the following about the track:"Neurotic Misery is themed around the struggles everyone faces when life kicks them in the guts, the way society perceives mental illnesses, and the different manifestations of depression, anxiety and anger that every human being experiences throughout their life. Death metal bands have always been known to write about destruction, carnage, and the brutal side of human nature, but Invidiosus aims to examine the raw, emotional, often-times irrational side of the human brain... Because after all, it's something every single one of us can relate to, at some point or another."

The single can be streamed or downloaded for free via the Invidiosus Bandcamp:

Matthias Joyce: Vocals

Kevin Alter: Guitars

Ray Nevison: Guitars

Todd Farnham: Bass

Crawlin Lewis: Drums