24 septembrie 2011 
Outcast Litanies conține un intro și 4 piese compuse în perioada 2006 - 2010 printre care single-ul Pandemic Dominion și Slay The Whore, varianta din 2008 lansată prin Salute Records. Piesa intro a fost cântată live o singură dată la primul concert Akral Necrosis, la fel ca ți varianta cu clapă a piesei Unveiling Deconstruction part II.
Lansarea albumului de debut al trupei a fost amânată momentan.
Materialul poate fi downloadat la următoarea adresă:
Akral Necrosis - Outcast Litanies (2011)
Black/Thrash Metal - Romania
This EP is not for sale!
"We used this intro for our first gig ever in 2007. It was composed by Krimson (keyboards, 2006-2007) and except for that one time it was never performed again. This was recorded and reorchestred by Victor.
Pandemic Dominion, the track, first released in August 2011 on Fresh Flesh 2011, came with TerrorizerMag.
Unveiling Deconstruction part II (2007 version) is recorded based on the way we used to play it in 2007 and also improved - with keyboards. However, on our debut album, you will find it without keyboards.
This version of Slay the Whore was recorded for Black Pagan Death Salute vol. 1 which came out at Salute Records in 2008. It features Mishu on bass, our current bass player, before Lev came into the band.
Pandemic Dominion (Graveyard Lo-Fi Mix) is something we began making as a joke, but soon we realised it sounds too good to keep it just for ourselves - it sounds just like you'd take a mouth full of dirt."
Octav Necrosis
Line-up for tracks 2,3 and 5
Octav Necrosis - vocals
Victor - guitars
Lev - bass
Alex - drums
Line-up for track 4
Octav Necrosis - vocals
Victor - guitars
Mishu - bass
Alex - drums
Pandemic Dominion, the debut album of Akral Necrosis is coming soon!

Lansarea albumului de debut al trupei a fost amânată momentan.
Materialul poate fi downloadat la următoarea adresă:
Akral Necrosis - Outcast Litanies (2011)
Black/Thrash Metal - Romania
This EP is not for sale!
"We used this intro for our first gig ever in 2007. It was composed by Krimson (keyboards, 2006-2007) and except for that one time it was never performed again. This was recorded and reorchestred by Victor.
Pandemic Dominion, the track, first released in August 2011 on Fresh Flesh 2011, came with TerrorizerMag.
Unveiling Deconstruction part II (2007 version) is recorded based on the way we used to play it in 2007 and also improved - with keyboards. However, on our debut album, you will find it without keyboards.
This version of Slay the Whore was recorded for Black Pagan Death Salute vol. 1 which came out at Salute Records in 2008. It features Mishu on bass, our current bass player, before Lev came into the band.
Pandemic Dominion (Graveyard Lo-Fi Mix) is something we began making as a joke, but soon we realised it sounds too good to keep it just for ourselves - it sounds just like you'd take a mouth full of dirt."
Octav Necrosis
Line-up for tracks 2,3 and 5
Octav Necrosis - vocals
Victor - guitars
Lev - bass
Alex - drums
Line-up for track 4
Octav Necrosis - vocals
Victor - guitars
Mishu - bass
Alex - drums
Pandemic Dominion, the debut album of Akral Necrosis is coming soon!